Brieanna Singletary 

Brieanna Singletary

Is an attorney barred in both New York and the District of Columbia, with years of experience and understanding in the realms of luxury fashion, design, and business operations of emerging markets. After receiving a dual undergraduate degree in Business Marketing and Design, she began a career as a fashion buyer and store manager in men’s luxury streetwear for over three (3) years. Following years of attending trade shows, directing the build-out and hiring of new stores, and managing a store towards the earnings of over a million dollars in the first year, she made the decision to go to law school to master the intersection of creative business and law. During her time in law school, her entrepreneurial interests were still able to rise even amid the heavy coursework, selling self-development workbooks online and aiding fashion boutiques with business operations consultation. Graduating number 11 in her class of 208, she took time to study trademark, copyright, and corporate law within the law school classroom, as well as through interning at publically-traded corporations and government entities. Currently, in the depths of COVID-19 pandemic, Brieanna is servicing over 20 small businesses with free trademark services, ensuring entrepreneurs of all sizes know the power in brand protection and different avenues that can be taken to protect and grow their brands. Brieanna’s competency in customer service, ability to explain complex legal issues in a seamless manner, and empathetically sound business acumen proves to be the foundation of her success and continued progress.